School Logo

Information on the school day

Opening & Closing times

Children are expected to attend school every day on time.  We offer a soft start where children are allowed in prior to the actual start of the day.  This gives children a opportunity to come in and get ready for registration and reduces congestion on the playground. 


Our timings are as follows:

Rec & KS1 (Year 1 & 2)

Soft start from 8.50am for KS1 and 8.55am for Reception / Registration & School day starts: 9am

End of day 3.30pm

Children have a break in the morning and afternoon and lunch from 12pm-1pm.

Children in Reception & KS1 receive a piece fruit every day and can have a free lunch (Universal Free School Meals).  

Total number of hours per day 6 hours 15 minutes. Total number per week 31 hours 15 minutes. 

KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5, & 6)

Soft start from 8.50am/Registration & School day starts: 9am

End of day 3.30pm

Children have a break in the morning and lunch from 12.30pm to 1.30pm.  Children from Year 3 may have an afternoon break in the Autumn Term as part of their  transition to KS2. 

Families who think they may be eligible for Free School Meals should apply via the Enfield website below. 

Total number of hours per day 6 hours 33 minutes. Total number of hours per week 31 hours 30 minutes. 


Information on individual Year Group timetables can be found on the Year Group pages under the Children Tab. 


Useful links:
