PE kit
Firs Farm PE kit
- School PE T- shirt (house colours)
- Plain black shorts
- Plain black trainers
- Plain black tracksuit bottoms
- Maroon PE bag
Reception and Year 1
- Children in Reception and KS1 are expected to bring a full PE kit into school for the two scheduled PE lessons they have each week and get changed in school. This is to ensure children are developing their fine motor skills and independence when getting changed, ready for KS2. This PE kit can remain in school and return home when necessary.
KS2 and Year 2
- Following the Ofsted Research Review 2022, we have made the decision for children in KS2 to come into school in their full PE kit on their scheduled PE days. This means that their PE bag will remain at home and children will stay in their PE kit for the duration of the day, until they return home.
"The Association for PE, in its 2015 report, recommended allocating 2 hours per week to PE. Our research in 2018 found that 69% of schools visited had 2 or more hours of PE in the timetable each week but also found that, in some cases, precious time was being lost in getting changed and setting up. The time allocated and the time spent learning therefore are 2 separate factors that affect pupils’ PE experience. Powell and others report an average of 35.3 minutes spent in a PE lesson within the ‘working area’ (for example, a school hall, field or swimming pool). This shows that a considerable number of minutes each lesson are being lost to non-physical activity."