Science at Firs Farm is exciting, enriching and accessible to all our children. Standards are high and at the end of KS2 the children consistently achieve above the National average.
The children are encouraged to behave as young scientists. They use texts to find information, are encouraged to raise questions, make predictions and are given a range of simple equipment to carry out fair tests. Our science cupboard is very well stocked with a variety of resources to stimulate their interest and enable them to follow the curriculum.
During KS1, the children learn about living things (biology) and properties of materials (chemistry). If you visit a KS1 class you may see children closely examining fish, sorting natural and man- made materials or you may accompany them outside as they make diagrams of seasonal changes.
During KS2, the children continue to learn about living things and the properties of materials. They also learn about the physical processes of light, sound, electricity and forces. If you were to visit a KS2 class you may see the children making electrical circuits, modelling the digestive system, investigating dissected lamb's hearts or making ice-cream.
Every 2 years, we hold a whole school science week when the children will take part in a number of scientific activities based around a specific theme. We partner with other schools including secondary schools to provide scientific and STEM enrichment activities.